
Ploticus > Prefabs >
Examples - chron prefab

These examples all use the chron prefab. All of these examples are included in the distribution (./pltestsuite/testpf_chron). Click here to view all prefab examples

chron example 1 - dates

pl  -prefab chron  data=data14  x=1  y=2  datefmt=yy/mm/dd  xinc="1 month" \\
     stubfmt=M  xyears=yyyy  yrange="0 25"  barwidth=line  color=red  \\
     title="# hits per day"  omitweekends=yes

The data14 file:
	00/12/21 1
	00/12/22 1
	00/12/23 2
	00/12/27 1

chron example 2 - dates - tabulated by week

pl  -prefab chron  data=data14  x=1  y=2  datefmt=yy/mm/dd  xinc="1 month" \\
      stubfmt=M  xyears=yyyy  color=green  tab=week  title="# hits per week"

chron example 3 - dates - tabulated by week

pl  -prefab chron  data=data19  x=2  y=1  datefmt=mmddyy  xinc="1 month" \\
	stubfmt=M  xyears=yyyy  color=green  tab=week  include2=annot \\
	title="# website visitors per week"  rectangle="1 1 4 2.5"  ygrid=yes  \\
	mode=line step=yes fill=red 

The data19 file:
  18 071301
  16 071401
  15 071501
  34 071601

In the above example, notice that rectangle (new in 2.02) was used to set a smaller size, and a file containing script code for the annotation is included.

chron example 4 - dates - tabulated by month

pl  -prefab chron  data=data14  x=1  y=2  datefmt=yy/mm/dd  xinc="1 month"  \\
	stubfmt=M  xyears=yyyy  color=powderblue  tab=month  tabmode=first  \\
	nearest=month  barwidth=0.2  curve=yes 

chron example 5 - datetimes - tabulated by hour

pl -prefab chron  data=data16  x=1  tab=hour  datefmt=yy/mm/dd  xinc="1 day" \\
	barwidth=line  stubfmt=MMMdd  unittype=datetime  timefld=2  \\
	title="# hits per hour"

The data16 file:
	01/09/05	09:43:35
	01/09/05	09:43:40
	01/09/05	13:15:00
	01/09/05	13:15:11

Note that a file such as this (data13) could also be used, and timefld
would not need to specified:

chron example 6 - times - tabulated by hour

pl -prefab chron  data=data15  x=1  tab=hour unittype=time xinc="1 hour" \\
	nearest=hour  barwidth=0.2  stubfmt=HHA  \\
	title="# events per hour"  color=coral

The data15 file:

chron example 7 - hourly temperature readings plotted for one week

pl -prefab chron data=data22 header=yes x=1 y=2 datefmt=mm/dd/yyyy  \\
  xinc="1 day" mode=line unittype=datetime title="temperatures this week"

The data22 file has data for one week and begins like this:
datetime temp
12/08/2002.00:00 22
12/08/2002.06:00 24
12/08/2002.12:00 31
12/10/2002.00:00 30

chron example 8 - multiple curves

pl -prefab chron data=data24 header=yes unittype=datetime mode=line\\
  datefmt=mm/dd/yyyy x=dt y=airtemp y2=soiltemp y3=watertemp \\
  xinc="1 day" legendfmt=singleline

The data24 file looks like this:
dt airtemp soiltemp watertemp
12/08/2002.06:00 24 27 16
12/09/2002.00:00 25 27 16
12/10/2002.00:00 30 27 15
12/11/2002.00:00 32 32 15
12/12/2002.00:00 40 37 16
12/13/2002.00:00 19 27 15
12/14/2002.00:00 14 18 13

In version 2.20 the ability to render multiple curves or bar sets was introduced. This can be done so long as tabulation is not being performed.


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