
Ploticus > Scripts >
proc processdata

proc processdata performs various types of manipulations on the current data set. Here are some of the things this proc can do:

    - accumulation (horizontal and vertical)
    - break processing
    - count/summate on instances, numeric bins, or time-based bins
    - joins
    - row numbering
    - compute percents
    - reverse row order
    - rotation of row/column matrix
    - find mean, sd, min, max
    - compute totals

The action attribute controls the type of processing to be done. The result is usually a new in-memory data set that subsequent plotting procs work from, but sometimes the result is simply the setting of some variables, as with action: totals, and it is also possible to write the result to a file (see outfile).

When a new data set is created, it will be kept in memory along with the original data by default. To discard the new data set and return to the original one, use proc usedata.

Some of the actions assign default field names to the result data set as noted, others do not (result names can always be overridden by specifying fieldnames). Use showresults to verify that any field names associated with result data set are as expected.

For additional data processing capabilities see also proc getdata filter and proc tabulate.


A gallery example that demonstrates and tests all the available actions is processdata

Variables that are set by processdata

NRECORDS = Number of rows in the data result.

NFIELDS = Number of fields per row in the data result.

TOTALS = If totals, percents, or accumulation are being done, this variable is set to the column (field) total(s). See action: totals for more info.

action: stats and action: breaks set additional variables, described in the stats section below.


The action attribute controls the type of operation that will be done. Often the fields attribute is used to indicate which field(s) are involved. If action is not specified, it defaults to echo.

    action: accumulate     Rewrite field(s) as cumulative series (downward accumulation); all other fields are passed through transparently. The field(s) to operate on must be given in the fields attribute. The TOTALS variable is also set to the column (field) total, in case it's useful. For example, the data set on the left would be transformed to the one on the right (fields: 2):
    	A21 3			A21 3
    	A22 5		-->	A22 8 
    	A23 2			A23 10
    	A24 1			A24 11

    action: breaks     performs break processing, which is useful for stepping through a sorted data set one chunk at a time and producing a plot for each chunk. Input data must be ordered on (or at least clustered on) the break fields. Specify fields as one or more (max 5) identifying "break" fields. The complen attribute (see below) can be used to control the number of characters examined in comparisons. Processing involves examining data rows one at a time, and when a difference in any of the break fields is detected processing stops. Generally used within a loop. See further discussion below

    action: breakreset     Reset the "current row" to the beginning of the data set, for the occasional time when more than one pass through a data set will be done using action: breaks . This is automatically done if a new data set is read by proc getdata.

    action: count     Count instances or perform summations by instance. An "instance" can be a literal string, a substring (specify complen), or a numeric or chronological range (specify binsize and perhaps binmod). Input data must be sorted (or at least grouped) on the key field. Resulting data set will always have two fields. One or two fields must be specified using the fields attribute. If one field is specified, the result fields will be named bin and count, for example (fields: 1):
    	062698	 		062698 2
    	062698 		  -->	062898 1
    	062898 			070198 3
    	070198 			070498 1
    If two fields are specified, the result fields will be named bin and sum, for example (fields: 1 2):
    	062698 4		062698 10
    	062698 6	  -->	062898 3
    	062898 3		070198 9
    	070198 2		070498 2
    	070198 4
    	070198 3
    	070498 2
    See also action: segment and action: segmentb described below, which are similar. A gallery example that uses action: count is hitcount

    action: echo     Pass data rows transparently to the new data set, except for any effect of select, keepfields, or rejectfields.

    action: join     Perform a relational join operation. (2.30+) All records come from the current data set; left side records are selected using the leftselect attribute and right side records are selected using rightselect. The records are joined on one or more fields specified in the fields attribute. Input data must be sorted on these fields (integer fields should be ordered numerically; alphanumeric fields should be ordered alphabetically). One (and only one) left side record and one (and only one) right side record must exist in order to be joined (but see leftjoin and rightjoin below). For example, suppose we want a scatterplot where the X component and Y component are represented in different sets of records within the data set:
    	001 X 4.3		001 X 4.3 001 Y 5.2
    	001 Y 5.2	-->	002 X 3.2 002 Y 2.9
    	002 X 3.2
    	002 Y 2.9
    In order to do a scatterplot of X vs. Y we need to do a join so that all data for case 001 are on the same row, and all data for case 002 are on the same row. We can do this using:
    	#proc processdata
    	showdata: yes
    	action: join
    	fields: 1
    	leftselect: @@2 = X
    	rightselect: @@2 = Y
    Also available are action: leftjoin and action: rightjoin. With a left join, if a left side record exists with no right side companion, the right side is filled in with a missing data code (= by default; can be specified in missingdatacode attribute). A right join is the same thing but in reverse.

    action: numberrows     Prepend a row number field to each row. For example:
    	A AA AAA 0		1 A AA AAA 0
    	B BB BBB 0     --->  	2 B BB BBB 0
    	C CC CCC 1		3 C CC CCC 1
    	D DD DDD 1		4 D DD DDD 1
    	E EE EEE 0		5 E EE EEE 0
    	F FF FFF 1		6 F FF FFF 1

    action: percents     Rewrite one or more fields as percentages of its field (column) total; all other fields are passed through transparently. The field(s) to operate on must be given in the fields attribute. The TOTALS variable is also set to the column (field) total. For example (fields: 1):
    	8		40
    	4	   -->	20
    	3		15
    	5		25

    action: raccumulate     Rightward accumulation operation on selected data fields (typical use is to prepare data for a stacked bar or stacked area graph). All other fields are passed through transparently. The fields to operate on must be given in the fields attribute. (New in version 2.40). Example (fields: 2 3 4):
    	AA 3 6 1  -->   AA 3 9 10
    	BB 1 0 4        BB 1 1 5
    	CC 2 n/a 1      CC 2 2 3

    action: reverse     The last record becomes the first one; the record order is reversed. For example:
    	AXB 34		DIF 14
    	BYA 22	   -->	CES 52
    	CES 52		BYA 22
    	DIF 14		AXB 34 

    action: rotate     First row becomes 1st field, 2nd row becomes 2nd field, and so on. This may be useful in that most of the plotting procs work from data fields, but sometimes data is given (or is more intuitive) in rows. For example:
    	A 2 4 6 8 10	-->	A B
    	B 3 6 9 12 15		2 3
    				4 6
    				6 9
    				8 12
    				10 15

    action: segment     Similar to action: count, except that instead of a count result, a range is produced, useful for plotting bar segments, etc. Resulting data set will always have three fields: 1) key field, 2) start position, 3) end position.
    If one field is specified, the start and end position will be record numbers of the first and last records in the range (where first record is 1). The result field names will be bin startrow endrow. For example (fields: 1):
    	062698			062698 1 3
    	062698          --->	070198 4 6
    	062698			070498 7 7
    If two fields are specified, the start and end position will be the contents of the second specified field, for the first and last records in the range. The result field names will be bin startval endval. For example (fields: 1 2):
    	062698 A		062698 A C
    	062698 B         --->	070198 D F
    	062698 C		070498 G G
    	070198 D
    	070198 E
    	070198 F
    	070498 G

    action: segmentb     Same as action: segment, except that groups will butt up against one another. For example (fields: 1 2):
    	062698 A		062698 A D
    	062698 B         --->	070198 D G
    	062698 C		070498 G G
    	070198 D
    	070198 E
    	070198 F
    	070498 G

    action: summary     Produce a new data set containing summary statistics on the input, clustering on specified "break" fields. Specify valfield as the data field containing numeric values to be examined. Specify fields as one or more identifying "break" fields. The complen attribute (see below) can be used to control the number of characters examined in comparisons. Processing involves examining data rows one at a time, and when a difference in any of the break fields is detected the mean and other stats are computed on valfield for the current group of records, and one result row is added to the new data set. The result data set will always have the following fields, named as shown: id1, (id2 etc.), mean, sd, sem, n_obs, min, max, sum. Input data must be sorted (or at least clustered) on the break fields. (New in version 2.40)
    Here's an example (fields: 1 2 3 and valfield: 5):
       2909 WSB/EiJ f 1 1           
       2909 WSB/EiJ f 2 3    ---->  2909 WSB/EiJ f 2.25 0.886405 0.313392 8 1 3 18
       2909 WSB/EiJ f 3 3           2909 WSB/EiJ m 2.6 0.894427 0.4 5 1 3 13
       2909 WSB/EiJ f 4 3
       2909 WSB/EiJ f 6 2
       2909 WSB/EiJ f 7 2
       2909 WSB/EiJ f 8 3
       2909 WSB/EiJ f 9 1
       2909 WSB/EiJ m 13 3
       2909 WSB/EiJ m 15 3
       2909 WSB/EiJ m 16 3
       2909 WSB/EiJ m 18 3
       2909 WSB/EiJ m 19 1
    In the above example, the result data set would then have fields named: id1 id2 id3 mean sd sem n_obs min max sum

    action: summaryplus     Same as action: summary above, except that median, and 5th, 25th, 75th, and 95th percentiles are computed as well. (New in version 2.40) The result data set will always have the following fields, named as shown: id1, (id2 etc.), mean sd se n_obs min max sum pctl5th pctl25th median pctl75th pctl95th .ig >>

    action: stats     Scan all eligible data rows and find the mean, SD, min, max, etc. for specified data field(s), and put mean, SD, min, max (etc) into ploticus variables. No new data set is created. The data field(s) to operate on should specified in the fields attribute. Sets the following ploticus variables:
    MEAN = mean of all numeric values found
    SD = standard deviation
    N = number of numeric values found
    MIN = the lowest numeric value found
    MIN_ID = contents of identifier/abscissa field in data row where minima was found
    MAX = the highest numeric value found
    MAX_ID = contents of identifier/abscissa field in data row where maxima was found
    NMISSING = number of non-numeric observations
    TOTAL = sum of all numeric values in the field
    (The following is a change in functionality starting in 2.31:) This action can operate on one data field or several. The data field(s) to operate on should specified in the fields attribute. If more than one data field is specified, the data values from all the fields will be examined as a group and the result will still be a single mean, SD, etc. tagfield may be specified (see below) to indicate an identifier or abscissa field which will be used to identify min and max cases (MIN_ID and MAX_ID) and may be useful in annotating the min and/or max with a later invocation of #proc annotate.

    action: total     Scan all eligible data rows, compute field total(s) and place it/them into the variable TOTALS (see above). No new data set is created. Field(s) to be totalled are specified in the fields attribute.
    If only one field is being operated on, TOTALS will be a single numeric value. If more than one field is being operated on, TOTALS will be a comma-delimited list of numeric values; individual totals may be accessed in your script using something like the following, which would access the first total in the list: #set T = $nmember(1,@TOTALS)
    The decimal format of the total(s) is controlled by the resultformat attribute. If total(s) are to be written in presentable notation (a spacer for thousands, etc.) the resultformat attribute may be preceded by a n, e.g. n%7.0f.

Other attributes

fields     dfield list

    The field(s) to be operated on. Required for any action that involves data fields.
    Example: fields: 2 5 6 7

showresults     yes | no
(alias showdata)

    If yes the result data set is written to the diagnostic stream in bar-delimited format.

keepfields     dfield list

    If specified, only these fields will be kept. Other fields will be not be present in the result. May be used with any action except where otherwise noted. If data set field names are being used they must be manually reset using fieldnames.
    Example: keepfields: 4 5 6

rejectfields     dfield list

    If specified, these fields will not be present in the result. All other fields will be retained. May be used with any action except where otherwise noted. If data set field names are being used they must be manually reset using fieldnames.
    Example: rejectfields: 1 2 3 4

tagfield     dfield

    Used with action: stats to specify an identifier or abscissa data field, which will be used to identify min and max cases.

fieldnames     namelist

    If specified, result data fields will be assigned the given names. These names can later be used in any plotting proc to identify data fields. namelist is a space- or comma- delimited list of names. Names may include any alphanumeric characters with a maximum length of 38, and are case-insensitive.
    Note that if field names are specified in proc getdata and then proc processdata is used to alter the order of fields or delete fields, then this fieldnames attribute must be used in order to redefine the field names properly.
    Example: fieldnames: date group n

complen     nchars

    May be used with certain actions as noted above, to control the number of characters that are examined when comparing or processing the field(s) of interest. May be 50 or lower. Default is 50.

binsize     number | week | month | quarter | year | day | hour

    May be used with action: count to tabulate on numeric or chronological bins. If a number is given, numeric bins of size number are created, and numeric data are expected. If week, month, or any of the other chronological specifications are given, chronological bins are created and date, time, or datetime data are expected.

binmod     mid | low | high | start

    Used with binsize. This determines what the presented identifiers for the bins will be. If mid (the default) the identifier will be midrange. start is equivalent to low but makes more sense with chronological data.

resultformat     printf-spec

    Controls the decimal format of rewritten percents, accumulations, totals. Default is %g.
    Example: resultformat: %f
    Example for action: totals (see above): resultformat: n%g

keepall     yes | no

    May be used with accumulate, raccumulate, percent, or total. If yes, fields that are normally replaced by newly computed values will remain in the result along with the newly computed fields. For example, with action: percents this would allow the original values to be present in the result along with the computed percents. Default is no.

select     selection expression

    Used when action is select in order to specify the selection condition. select can be used along with any action.
    Example: select: @@4 = A

leftselect     select expression
rightselect     select expression

    Used with action: join (and leftjoin and rightjoin). Specifies selection conditions for left side of join and right side of join.

missingdatacode     string

    Used with action: leftjoin and action: rightjoin to specify a missing data code to use for filling in missing fields.

valfield     dfield

    With action: summary, the data field holding the numeric value from which average (etc.) is to be computed.

outfile     filename

    If specified, results are written in tab-delimited format to filename and are not retained in memory as a new data set. This can be done to make the result available to other programs or to read in again using proc getdata.

stack     yes | no

    If no, the result data set replaces the original data set in memory (this might be desired for larger data sets). Discontinued in version 2.40... all results are stored in memory except when outfile is specified.

More on break processing

action: breaks performs break processing, which is useful for stepping through a sorted data set one chunk at a time and producing a plot for each chunk. Input data must be sorted (or at least clustered ) on the break fields. Specify fields as one or more (max 5) identifying "break" fields. The complen attribute (see below) controls number of characters examined in comparisons. Processing involves examining data rows one at a time, and when a difference in any of the break fields is detected processing stops. This action is generally used within a loop as shown below.

	   #proc processdata
	     action: breaks
	     fields: 1 2 3
	   #proc endproc

	   #if @NRECORDS = 0

	   #proc page
	   title: Account @BREAKFIELD1

	   #proc bars

         #proc usedata
           original: yes


Your script can access the current contents of the break field(s) via the BREAKFIELD1 .. n variable(s). Your script can detect when the entire data set has been processed by checking if NRECORDS = 0


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