How to download and try this example
Usage: pl -gif beeswarm.htm
// // a beeswarm-like plot // // the vdist prefab can also do these.. #set datafile = ../pltestsuite/data6 // read data 1st time to get Y range.. #proc getdata file: @datafile #endproc #proc areadef rectangle: 1 1 4 5 yautorange: datafield=1, nearest=auto xrange: 0 10 #proc yaxis stubs: inc stubcull: yes grid: color=gray(0.8) #endproc // now read it again and group into bins.. #proc getdata file: @datafile filter: ##set VAL = $ref(1) ##set ID = = ##set GRP = $numgroup( @VAL, 0.04, mid ) ##print @GRP @VAL @ID #endproc #proc scatterplot clustermethod: horizontal xlocation: 4.0(s) clusterfact: 2.0 yfield: 1 symbol: shape=diamond style=fill fillcolor=blue radius=0.04 #saveas D