
How to download and try this example

Usage: pl -gif -map clickmap_area2.htm

Uses data file scatterplot10.dat.

#setifnotgiven CGI = ""

// read in data
#proc getdata
file: scatterplot10.dat
fieldnames: strain xval xse xsd extra yval yse ysd

// set up plot area 
#proc areadef
rectangle: 1 1 4 4
xautorange: datafield=xval
yautorange: datafield=yval
clickmapurl: @CGI?x=@@XVAL&y=@@YVAL
xaxis.stubs: inc
yaxis.stubs: inc
xaxis.stubdetails: size=6
yaxis.stubdetails: size=6
xaxis.clickmap: xygrid
yaxis.clickmap: xygrid

// do regression curve..
#proc curvefit
curvetype: regression
xfield: xval
yfield: yval
linedetails: color=red width=0.5

// do annotation in lower right corner..
#proc annotate
location: max min-0.4
textdetails: color=red align=R size=6
      r = @CORRELATION

// do vertical error bars..
#proc bars
locfield: xval
lenfield: yval
errbarfield: yse
//errbarmult: 2
thinbarline: color=orange width=0.5
tails: 0.02
truncate: yes
// do horizontal error bars..
#proc bars
locfield: yval
lenfield: xval
horizontalbars: yes
errbarfield: xse
//errbarmult: 2
thinbarline: color=orange width=0.5
tails: 0.02
truncate: yes

// do point labels..
//#proc scatterplot
//xfield: xval
//yfield: yval
//labelfield: strain
//textdetails: size=6 color=teal adjust=0,0.07

// do points..
#proc scatterplot
xfield: xval
yfield: yval
symbol: shape=circle style=filled radius=0.02 fillcolor=blue