
// Usage: pl -gif legends232.htm
// Demonstrate some new legend features available with ploticus 2.32
// set up some legend entries...
#proc legendentry
sampletype: color
label: this is a test
details: red
#proc legendentry
sampletype: color
label: this is another test
details: blue
#proc legendentry
sampletype: color
label: this is \n another test
details: green
#proc legendentry
sampletype: color
label: this is another test
details: orange
#proc legendentry
sampletype: color
label: this is another test
details: lavender
#proc legendentry
sampletype: color
label: this is another test
details: dullyellow
// render the bottom legend using the above entries..
#proc legend
#saveas L
textdetails: size=6
location: 1.4 6.5
format: down
extent: 1.4
separation: 0.1
wraplen: 15
frame: bevel
title: Multi-column legends now supported
noclear: yes // this just allows us to show the same set of entries again..
// render the middle legend using the above entries..
#proc legend
#clone L
location 1.4 4.3
frame: no
backcolor: dullyellow
title: You can add legend title \n and do wordwrap on legend entries
// render the top legend using the above entries..
#proc legend
#clone L
format: across
extent: 4.0
location 1 2.3
frame: yes
title: This legend uses the 'across' format