Demonstrates a log-log plotting area, using selflocatingstubs
and stub and tic code chunks #included from the prefabs directory.
// Usage: pl -gif loglog.htm
// set up area
#proc areadef
rectangle: 1 1 3 3
xscaletype: log
xrange: .1 110
yscaletype: log
yrange: .1 110
title: log-log example
// do yellow area..
#proc rect
rectangle: 10(s) 5(s) 70(s) 50(s)
// do gray grid..
#proc xaxis
selflocatingstubs: text
#include $chunk_logtics
grid: color=gray(0.9)
#proc yaxis
selflocatingstubs: text
#include $chunk_logtics
grid: color=gray(0.9)
#proc xaxis
selflocatingstubs: text
#include $chunk_logstubs
#proc yaxis
selflocatingstubs: text
#include $chunk_logstubs