How to download and try this example
List input data set pvalue1.dat
Usage: pl -gif pvalue1.htm
#proc page pagesize: 18 10 #proc annotate location: 1 10 textdetails: align=left size=18 text: Comparison of SEA/GnJ Bmp5 genotype se/se vs. +/se (means +/- 1SEM) #proc legendentry sampletype: color details: purple label: se/se #proc legendentry sampletype: color details: green label: +/se #proc legend location: 1.2 9.7 format: across #set slide = 0.1 #proc getdata file: pvalue1.dat #proc categories axis: x categories: f m #set xleft = 1 #set bot = 7 #loop #proc processdata action: breaks fields: 5 #endproc #if @NRECORDS = 0 #break #endif #if @BREAKFIELD1 like "lower_jaw" #set bot = 4 #set xleft = 1 #endif #if @BREAKFIELD1 like "skull_width" #set bot = 1 #set xleft = 1 #endif #set xright = $arith( @xleft+1.5 ) #set top = $arith( @bot+2 ) #proc areadef title: @BREAKFIELD1 titledetails: size=12 rectangle: @xleft @bot @xright @top xrange: categories yautorange: datafield=6 xaxis.stubs: usecategories xaxis.stubdetails: size=12 adjust=0,0.08 yaxis.stubs: inc yaxis.stubdetails: size=6 adjust=0.1,0 #proc categories axis: x slideamount: -@slide #proc scatterplot select: @@4 = (se/se) xfield: 2 yfield: 6 symbol: shape=circle style=filled color=gray(0.7) radius=0.02 cluster: yes #proc categories axis: x slideamount: @slide #proc scatterplot select: @@4 = (+/se) xfield: 2 yfield: 6 symbol: shape=circle style=filled color=gray(0.7) radius=0.02 cluster: yes #proc processdata action: summary fields: 2 4 valfield: 6 #proc categories axis: x slideamount: -@slide #proc bars select: @@id2 = (se/se) locfield: id1 lenfield: mean errbarfield: se tails: 0.05 thinbarline: color=purple // color: purple #proc scatterplot select: @@id2 = (se/se) xfield: id1 yfield: mean symbol: shape=pixcircle radius=0.03 color=purple style=filled #proc categories axis: x slideamount: @slide #proc bars select: @@id2 = (+/se) locfield: id1 lenfield: mean errbarfield: se tails: 0.05 thinbarline: color=green // color: green #proc scatterplot select: @@id2 = (+/se) xfield: id1 yfield: mean symbol: shape=pixcircle radius=0.03 color=green style=filled #proc processdata action: join field: id1 // should be able to use @@id2 in these select statements but can't due to bug.... leftselect: @@2 = (se/se) rightselect: @@2 = (+/se) fieldnames: Lid1 Lid2 Lmean Lsd Lse Ln_obs Lmin Lmax Lsum Rid1 Rid2 Rmean Rsd Rse Rn_obs Rmin Rmax Rsum #proc categories axis: x slideamount: 0 // print p values #proc pvalue xfield: Lid1 statfields1: Lmean Lsd Ln_obs statfields2: Rmean Rsd Rn_obs textdetails: size=8 adjust=0,-0.4 #set xleft = $arith( @xleft+2 ) #proc usedata original: yes #endloop #exit