// Axis showing currency values ranging from negative to positive, with special // formatting used on negative portion. Thousands separator is used. // Axis generation done in two passes: 1) positive portion; 2) negative portion #set MIN = -2000 #set MAX = 2000 #set INC = 500 #proc settings numbernotation: us numberspacerthreshold: 3 #proc areadef rectangle: 1 1 7 1.5 xrange: @MIN @MAX yrange: 0 10 xaxis.stubs: inc @INC xaxis.stubrange: 0 xaxis.stubformat: $%.0f // do negative portion of X axis.. #proc xaxis stubs: inc @INC stubrange: @MIN -@INC //stubformat: -$%.0f stubformat: ($%.0f) signreverse: yes // This example illustrates the following: ///topic: axis: numeric ///topic: money ///topic: proc axis stubformat ///topic: proc axis signreverse ///topic: proc settings