
// Usage: pl -gif sa6.htm 

// set up area and scaling using proc areadef
#proc areadef
  rectangle: 1 1 5 2
  xscaletype: date mmddyy
  xrange: 010199 060199
  yrange: 0 100

// do months using proc xaxis
#proc xaxis
  location: min-0.2
  stubs: increment 1 month
  stubformat: MMM
  stubdetails: adjust=0,+0.1
  ticlen: 0.05
  axisline: none
  // do the following to move months over by 15 days, effectively centering them
  stubslide: 15(s)

// do weeks using proc xaxis
#proc xaxis
  stubs: none
  stubs: increment 7 
  stubrange: 010399
  stubformat: dd
  stubdetails: size=6
  ticlen: 0.05