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Usage: pl -gif transparent.htm Uses the data file devol.dat Demonstrates transparent background.
// set page-wide attributes using proc page #proc page backgroundcolor: transparent // set up plotting area and axes using proc areadef #proc areadef: rectangle: 1 1 5 3 title: Number of inquiries per month titledetails: size=18 align=C adjust=0,0.1 color=black xscaletype: date mm/yy xrange: 12/86 06/89 yrange: 0 2000 xaxis.stubs: inc 1 month xaxis.stubformat: M xaxis.autoyears: 'yy xaxis.grid: width=0.5 xaxis.stubrange: 01/87 05/89 xaxis.label: Month and year xaxis.labeldetails: adjust=0,-0.15 yaxis.stubs: inc 200 yaxis.grid: width=0.5 // read in data set using proc getdata #proc getdata: file: devol.dat // do stairstep line plot using proc lineplot #proc lineplot: Yfield: 2 xfield: 1 linedetails: width=2 stairstep: yes numbers: yes lastseglen: 30(s)