
Ploticus > Scripts >

Virtually every ploticus attribute that produces text has an accompanying textdetails specification for controlling appearance details such as point size, color, etc. Text capabilities vary depending on what output format you're producing. See fonts for more information.


Prefab example: titledet="size=12 adjust=0,0.2"
Script example: titledetails: size=12 adjust=0,0.2

Note that settings are separated from each other by space, but settings themselves contain no embedded whitespace. Also, the entire specification must be on one line.



    Point size of the text. 10 point is standard. A point is 1/72th of an inch.


    Style font variant. s may be either B for bold, I for italic, BI for bold-italic, or R for regular. Has an effect only in certain graphics environments and cannot be combined with the font= setting.


    Use the font fontname. Has an effect only in certain graphics environments and cannot be combined with the style= subattribute. See fonts for more info. If the font name you are specifying contains embedded whitespace, each whitespace character must be encoded here using an exclamation point (!).


    Alignment or justification. a may be either left, center, and right (use the whole word or just the first letter, upper or lower case). In versions 2.40+ the following are supported to get text that tracks downward or upward at a slant: downdiagonal and updiagonal and these work for any output type.


    Allows control over line spacing when multi-line text is rendered. Default is 1.0. An f > 1.0 makes lines further apart; f < 1.0 makes lines closer together. New in version 2.32.


color= color


    If using align=downdiagonal or align=updiagonal to do X axis stubs, this parameter can be used to control the amount of slant. It is the amount to move vertically for every character, expressed as a proportion of text height. Default is 0.3; a value of 0.2 gives a shallower slant, a value of 0.4 gives a steeper slant.




Ploticus 2.42 ... May 2013 Terms of use /