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Script examples gallery - Horizontal bars

This page contains a series of horizontal bar graph, timeline, and proportional bars examples illustrating some of the available varieties and options. These examples all use ploticus's proc bars with the horizontalbars option. Clickmaps are supported for horizontal bar graphs.

Example 1


This example shows how horizontal bars can provide a compact format for displaying comparison data, especially when the category labels are long. It also demonstrates how selected bars may be highlighted by using a different color.

Example 2


Here, the category labels are within the bars.

Example 3


Stacked horizontal bars.

Example 4


Clustered horizontal bars.

Example 5


Reflected bar graphs. These are sometimes used to compare two sets of values. I personally don't like these, except perhaps when the number of categories is large, or when the nature of the data lends itself to such a display; I would prefer two-bar clusters.

Floating segment bars and timelines

Floating segment bars can represent time intervals, genomic regions, etc. See also the EasyTimeline package by Erik Zachte / Wikipedia, which utilizes ploticus.

Example 6

Example 7


In this example, bars are used to represent time segments, showing the phases of a project. Use the segmentfields attribute.

Example 8


Another time line example. proc scatterplot was used to render the target date points.

Example 9


Another time line example showing login sessions for one day.

Example 10


An example of a timetable. This also illustrates the use of clickmaps with bar graphs. Try clicking on any TV show box above..


Example 11


Here, the bar segments represent proportions of a whole. The stackfields attribute is used to position bars. This is the same type of look that a pie graph shows, but bars are usually more compact. See also propbars2, an example of vertical proportional bars.


Ploticus 2.42 ... May 2013 Terms of use / GPL