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Release notes for versions 2.21 and earlier |
Ploticus 2.20 (Nov 2003)
- A major revisions / cleanup pass on the documentation.. it has been partitioned
into a prefabs handbook and a scripts handbook, so that prefab users don't need to see
the scripts documentation, and vice versa.
- New prefabs and new prefab parameters
- Fixed bug - Very small values (such as 9.24E-65), as well as any value in scientific notation, should now be
handled properly everywhere when autoscaling and plotting.
- New - proc curvefit - new curve type - interpolated curve - code contributed by
Oliver Koch
- New attributes - proc axis - automonths automatically
displays the new month when plotting days, on month boundaries. Similarly,
autodays displays a new date when plotting datetimes, on day boundaries.
- New attributes - proc pie - colorfield & exactcolorfield
allow slice colors to be driven by data
- New attributes - proc pie - labelback & labelbackoutline for
producing backing boxes for the slice labels
- New attribute - proc vector - exactcolorfield allow vector colors
to be driven by data
- Improvement - proc getdata - file and pathname can now
accept those wacky file names with embedded spaces found on Microsoft systems
- Improvement - command line option -echo - improved functionality
- New attributes - proc axis - stubsubpat & stubsubnew for performing substitutions on stub text; stubmult a way to multiply numeric stubs by some factor;
stubmininc a way to ensure that automatic
stub increment is never less than a certain amount.. for example when plotting integer data you don't
want stubs to increment at 0.5; labelinfo specifies text that will
appear as a popup when user moves mouse over the axis label;
- New script directive - #ifspec - useful when writing the scripts used by prefabs
- Improved - SVG - added xmlns="" to opening <svg> tag.
- New - command line options - -mapdemo and -csmapdemo for development when working
with clickmaps .. you previously used -map -debug or -csmap -debug.
- Improved - proc processdata - outfile now accepts stdout
and stderr
- Improved - proc axis - stubevery can now be used with numeric stubs
as well as text stubs
- Improved - proc processdata - the select attribute can be
used along with any action
- Improved - datetimes - option to allow user-specified date-time separator character. dtsep
can be set in proc settings or your config file.
- New attribute - proc annotate - ellipse
- New - command line option - -svg_tagparms
- Policy change - libploticus - if line argument is passed as a
constant it may not contain a trailing newline character. Noted in docs.
- New script examples - beeswarm plots and
stacked area plots.
- new functions - $defaultinc() and $squelch_display()
- Improved - x11 mouse clicks - output coordinates now support -cm
- Fixed bug - proc processdata - action: accumulate had been nonfunctional.. fixed
- Fixed bugs - various code bugs/fixes reported by users involving
buffer overwrites and illegal accesses that may have caused instabilities
- New attribute - proc annotate - backdim to allow backing box
dimensions to be specified explicitly
- Improved - times - time values wrapped (or else were invalid) if > 24:00 (which is correct for
clock time) but this interfered when working with elapsed time values.
Elapsed time values are now handled using a format specification like this: hhh:mm:ss (three h's)
- Improvement - EPS - "showpage", "%%Trailer", and "%%EOF" are no longer present in EPS result
- Fixed bug - ampersands not being rendered properly in SVG
- Fixed bug - proc bars instability involving segment bars
- Fixed bug - proc curvefit - garbage legend label
- Fixed bug - swf.c compilation problems
- Fixed bug - proc pie - stray line on degenerate case of slices having size=0
- Fixed bug - proc pie - legend entries appearing twice in some cases
- Fixed bug - proc vector - wind barbs barb direction
- Fixed bug - times - stubs formatted with am/pm showed eg. 0:20am as :20am
- Fixed bug - proc lineplot - altwhen sometimes changing wrong points
- Fixed bug - proc rect - uninitialized clickmap url and maplabel resulted in garbage
- Fixed bug - proc scatterplot - clustermeth h and v - removed the upper limit of 10 duplicates
- Mac OSX port now handled by fink
Ploticus 2.11 (May 2003)
- New - SWF (flash) support - contributed by Bill Traill
- New - Popup text bubbles can be displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over data points when viewing
ploticus-generated images in a web browser. Support for both scripts and prefabs.
Accomplished using client-side imagemaps, with or without a clickable URL.
Click here to see an example.
- Fixed - libploticus API - now supports multiple plot jobs within one OS process.
- New - proc vector - windbarbs support contributed by Andrew Phillips
- New - proc categories - supersedes specification of categories from within
proc areadef. Categories are an entity independent of plotting area or current data set.
- New - proc processdata - new actions segment and segmentb
- New - proc bars - new attributes exactcolorfield, constantlen, constantloc
- New - clickmap support for proc rect
- New - axis - new attribute stublen
- New - pl command line - new option -echo to display interpreted,
fully expanded script lines to stdout or stderr for debugging
- New - proc curvefit - sets ploticus variables XFINAL and YFINAL
- New - proc settings - new attribute svg_tagparms - allows you to insert additional
attributes into the <svg> tag.. eg. <svg .. width="ww" height="hh">
- Improved - libploticus API - improved the consistency of error return codes
- Improved - clickmaps - labels and URLs now use malloced storage
- Improved - categories - category labels now use malloced storage
- Fixed - proc pie - percentages in labels weren't being converted to euro notation
- Fixed - proc axis - very large scale increments were causing race
(fix contributed by Dan Pelleg)
- Workaround - proc usedata - fieldnames are lost when switching between data sets
with proc usedata, due to a design flaw. As a workaround, field names can be respecified from within proc usedata.
- Fixed - proc breakaxis - value now accepts category values containing embedded whitespace
- Fixed - proc axis - self locating stubs were incorrect in Y axis
- Fixed - proc getdata - seg fault involving rejected data rows and filter processing
- Fixed - proc pie - color: auto was not working with legend
- Fixed - unix builds now should handle dos text (script files and data files)
- Fixed - proc axis - fixed axis stub increment "hours" and "minutes" support for
datetime scaling & datetime w/ windowing
- Changed - libploticus API - ploticus_begin() is no longer necessary.
Ploticus 2.10 (Dec 2002)
- New - libploticus API.
This is a simple C-callable API which will allow ploticus to be embedded in other applications,
and facilitate interfaces to Perl, PHP, Pythin, etc.
An associated code clean up was done to get exit()s and
externally visible symbol names under control.
- New - proc vector for making vector plots like this:
- New - proc scatterplot - rectangle attribute for making heatmap plots like this:
- New - Unicode / Big-5 support.
You must be using SVG or GD with FreeType fonts.
Right-to-left languages apparently aren't handled consistently.
- New - Data capacities are now dynamic and can be raised at runtime
using command line options such as -maxrows and -maxfields.
- New - command line options.. -dir may be specified to
set the working directory; -outlabel may be specified to set the X window name or PostScript / SVG
result title attribute. -mapfile allows the clickmap output file to be set explicitly, and may
also be used to write the mapfile to stdout
-f is now supported as an alternative for specifying the script file.
Also several new capacity-setting options are available.
- New - proc usedata - allows selecting an active data set
when there are multiple data sets in memory.
- New - proc axis attribute stubexp - displays axis in
real space when data are in log-transformed space.
- New - proc axis stubformat - autoround is
now an acceptable value, along with printf-specs such as %.f. autoround
automatically rounds numeric values with result precision based on magnitude.
- New - proc page attribute - outlabel
- New - proc scatterplot attribute - linedir for controlling
the direction of lines used as data points.
- New - proc lineplot attribute - relax_xrange
- New - system variable PLVERSION reports the ploticus version number.
- Fixes that should remedy CGI-mode problems, especially under win32 and web servers other
than Apache:
1) SCRIPT_FILENAME environment variable is no longer relied upon. It was
discovered to be non-spec. Instead, argv[0] is now used.
2) under win32, images sometimes display first few pixel rows
only, as if corrupted. Now standard output is set to binary mode, which should remedy this problem.
3) an .exe suffix is now removed before building the .cnf name.
- Fix - disk resource limits completely removed. These are problematic and not worth the trouble,
especially in CGI mode, since the 5MB (default) limit applies when appending (eg web server log files).
- Fix - script interpreter - script lines having first whitespace-delimited token longer than 40 chars
(such as embedded comma-delimited data) cause overflow and seg fault on Linux.
- Fix - Lines in incoming data stream having first whitespace-delimited token longer than 255 chars
(typically comma-delimited data) cause overflow and seg fault.
- Fix - proc processdata - values for the rejectfields attribute being
parsed incorrectly from script.
- Fix - proc bars - bar labels for bars plotted from small numeric
values eg. 0.005 not displayed.
- Fix - month name capacities expanded to accomodate non-English month names.
- Fix - number notation processing was being incorrectly applied to scientific-notation values.
- Fix - vertical right-adjusted FreeType text was being rendered horizontally.
- Fix - stacking of multiple data sets; eg. you can now tabulate on a processdata result.
- Change - proc processdata stack is now no by default.
- Change - proc originaldata has been mapped to proc usedata.
- Change - textdetails attributes - align may be specified
in lower case or as words (left, center, right), as well as the old
way (L, C, R).
- Change - config file parameters sid, gid, and filesizelimit.
no longer supported.
- Change - number display settings have been removed from proc page. These
apply to an entire script, not a page, and
should be set using proc settings.
- Change - proc areadef - catcompmethod of fuzzy no
longer supported (it never worked properly anyway).
- Noted - GD fonts - some of the characters in the extended ascii range
differ from those normally expected there. This issue originates in the GD library.
Ploticus 2.04 (June 2002)
- New - proc lineplot - clip attribute
allows lineplot curve to be clipped to the plotting area.
- New - proc lineplot - sort attribute
for putting data into X order if necessary before plotting
- New - clickmap support for SVG.
- New - field names can now appear as legend labels. For the
stack, and
vbars prefabs this will be the default if no
name* parameters are specified and the data set contains a field name header.
This feature can be used in scripts in
proc bars,
proc lineplot,
proc curvefit
by specifying #usefname for the legendlabel.
Also available for proc scatterplot legendlabel.
- New - script syntax - a backslash can now be used to indicate start of leading whitespace
in a multiline text line
- New - script syntax - if the name of an #included file begins with a dollar-sign ($), it is
searched for in the ploticus prefabs directory. This provides a standard location for
included files. See gallery example loglog as an example.
- Docs - FAQ and dataformat man pages significantly
updated; a new page about pre-press work also available.
- Improved - config file errors now logged in CGI mode.
- Fix - EPS bounding box is now expressed in integers and use of (atend) is avoided except
when EPS is written to stdout. Problems had recently been reported with newer versions of GhostView
complaining about floating point values in the bounding box.
- Fix - CGI mode - QUERY_STRING used instead of REQUEST_URI
- Fix - proc axis - problems involving numerical axis stubs when a thousands separator
(eg. 100,000) is used. On win32, garbage was being appended. There was also incorrect
interaction with stub format, especially trailing format characters.
- Fix - dist prefab - title parameter wasn't working
- Fix - the $frommin() function (dealing with time data) was unstable.
- Fix - the limit for max # of categories (100 on each axis) was not being enforced, and
max char length of a category has been raised to 78.
- Fix - there was a slight amount of error in ploticus GD driver character widths.
- Fix - zero-length data cells causing subsequent spurious "unplottable value" messages
- Fix - proc pie max number of slices increased to 80.
- Fix - proc settings incorrect interaction with page break
- Fix - minor tics with datetime scaling not taking daily time window into consideration.
Ploticus 2.03 (March 2002)
- Fixed bug - cgi mode - CGI
SECURITY RISK - command line arguments that were insecure or
inappropriate in CGI mode are now disabled when in CGI mode.
- pltab has been discontinued.
- Improvement - cgi mode - If
-debug is specified all diagnotistic and error msg output automatically
goes to specific files. This should simplify debugging in CGI mode.
- New feature - client-side
- Improvement - proc datesettings has been expanded and renamed to proc
settings. This proc can now be used to make most settings that
previously required a config file.
- Improvement - proc bevelrect has been renamed to proc rect, and
should now be thought of as the preferred way to draw arbitrary shaded
- Changed: #proc endproc may now be written
#endproc. The old syntax will also continue to work.
- New feature - proc areadef
categories - new modifier selectrows which allows categories to
be taken from data field based on a conditional expression.
- New attribute - proc
processdata - outfile allows result to be written to a
file. This came up because a user wanted to perform arithmetic (a la
getdata filter) to processdata result, and there was no way to do it.
- New feature - proc
annotate can now do drop shadows, beveling, and colored backing box
with or without outline.
- New attribute - proc getdata
- pf_fieldnames for defining post-filter fieldnames.
- Improvement - max number of legend entries raised to 80 (was 30).
- New attribute - config and proc
settings - numberspacerthreshold controls when thousands
separator characters begin to appear.
- New system
variable - CM_UNITS - indicates if working in -cm mode or not.
- Improvement - special #include statements that refer to the prefabs
directory (filename beginning with $) may be used any time, not just
with -prefab. This will make it easier to copy prefab scripts into other
directories for customization.
- Fixed bug - pl crashes when reading any config file.
- Fixed bug - prefabs were not working in CGI mode.
- Fixed bug - script lines longer than 255 were overflowing. The
published script line length limit is 3000.
- Fixed bug - cm mode - cm conversion was not being done on ploticus
variables that hold generated absolute coordinate values (eg AREALEFT).
Position of prefab titles was affected.
- Fixed bug - proc processdata - count action - the counts for highest
and lowest category were off by 1.
- Fixed bug - problem with date formats containing dashes (eg.
dd-mmm-yyyy) when setting up plotting area and data space.
- Fixed bug - number display - large number 000 separators interacting
incorrectly with stub formatting.
- Fixed bug - times - the displayable seconds component of time values
was being shown as a value between 0.0 -> 1.0 rather than 0 -> 60.
- Fixed bug - times - data values having a seconds component > 59.0
(eg. 59.3) were considered invalid.
- Fixed & improved - times - noon and/or midnight were displayed
incorrectly when hha format was being used. Noon is now
represented as 12n and midnight is represented as
- Fixed bug - proc legend - incomplete legend when specifyorder has
more entries than the number of legend entries.
- Fixed bugs - cm mode - certain objects were too small in -cm mode,
including default prefab plot size, various hard-coded prefab sizes, and
default symbol size.
Ploticus 2.02 (Jan 2002)
HTML server-side imagemap support has been added.
The data parsing code has been rewritten, and now allows situations that
weren't allowed before,
such as blank fields (tab or .csv formats), and variable number of fields per row.
The dataformat documentation has also been improved.
new attribute - proc getdata - nfields - Controls
the expected number of fields per record.
new attribute - proc getdata - fieldnamerows -
like fieldnames but allows data field names to be given one per line.
modified attribute - proc getdata - delim -
There is now a distinction between
whitespace delimitation with quoted strings (spacequoted) and
pure whitespace delimitation (whitespace).
whitespace is faster, but the default remains spacequoted
(space for short) so that existing scripts don't break.
More info.
new attribute - proc lineplot - gapmissing - allows missing data
points to cause a gap in the curve. Similar parameter added to lines and chron prefabs.
new attribute - proc scatterplot - clustermethod -
control how duplicate points will be clustered.
new attribute - proc scatterplot - symfield and symrangefield -
allows symbol shape, color, etc. to be controlled by a data field.
new attribute - proc scatterplot - dupsleg
allows symbol shape, color, etc. to be controlled by degree of duplicity
prefabs - added rectangle as a standard parameter.
It controls plotting area size (and location, if rendering in paginated postscript).
lines prefab - changed the way that
the fill parameter works. Previously
it had applied to all curves and line color was used. Now it is specified
as a color, and separately for each curve (using fill2, fill3, and fill4).
Note: this will break any existing applications that use
the lines prefab to render multiple filled curves.
The directory for prefab files can now be
hard-coded at build time, settable in the Makefile. If this is done then users
don't need the PLOTICUS_PREFABS environment variable to be set.
This capability is not available on win32 builds.
a new prefab called draw has been added.
It interprets ploticus draw commands.
some new functions, including $numgroup() and $dategroup()
which are useful in grouping a set of numbers or dates into bins.
the internal name lookup scheme for function names has been changed, and is now a
little more efficient.
fixed bug: proc bars - stacked bars are drawn incorrectly when minima is non-zero.
Eg. stacked vertical bars are incorrect if the plotting area Y min is non-zero.
fixed bug: proc bars - stacked bars - clobber bug causing core dump on linux.
fixed bug: datetime scaling - floating point rounding problem. Came to light when
user tried to autorange on a datetime field and was getting a minima time of 06:59
when it should have been 07:00.
increased the size of file pathname variables from 127 to 255 and doing length checking
on script file and output file name
Version: 2.01 (Nov 2001)
- SVG capabilities. The driver was written by Bill Traill.
- The Makefile has been reworked. Before building ploticus you edit the
Makefile and follow a simple 3-step procedure. There are more build variations than before.
- Source code can now be compiled on win32 using mingW and maybe other compilers.
More info.
- postscript - ISO Latin1 encoding added, so that European characters may be produced
in postscript exactly like they are in the other environments (ascii 128-255).
- Created graphic files are automatically chmod'ed to mode 644.
- Some code problems related to the new CGI functionality have been cleaned up.
These may have caused problems on some platforms.
- proc getdata filter - data field names within proc getdata filter statements were
not working. Fixed.
- dates - dates earlier than 1977 causing problems with autorange and
probably in other areas. This has been fixed to handle dates back to Jan 1 1800.
- general - most command line args including var=value pairs were being retained in
a 200 character buffer, a problem when command lines are longer. Fixed.
- proc bars - problems with bar labeling when select is used; also clustering should work
with segment bars. Fixed.
Ploticus 2.00 (Sept 2001)
This major release introduces
prefabs for creating standard types of plots
directly from the command line,
CGI mode,
and optional JPEG, WBMP, and FreeType2 support.
The script interpreter code has been completely replaced;
a general clean-up pass was applied to all code.
- Prefabs
- CGI mode
- Optional JPEG, WBMP, and FreeType2 support, however you must link to
your own copy of GD library version 1.84
or higher when you build ploticus, and have the other required libs.
See the Makefile for more info. Thanks to Michael Tonkin for getting the ball rolling on this.
Here's an example that uses a TrueType sans serif font.
- A new script interpreter.
New flow of control operators including:
#elseif #else #for #while #setifnotgiven #call #write #shell, etc.
Also, increased capacities for data fields and variables (250 chars)
and script input lines (3000).
The new interpreter involves some script syntax changes
that may cause existing scripts to break in some cases.
General code clean-up and efficiency improvements
(thanks for the suggestions.. who wrote that code, anyway?!).
- #sql, a new directive for retrieving data directly from an SQL database.
This is currently under development,
and user-contributed client interfaces to DBMSs such as MySQL and Oracle would be welcome
(the code is in dbinterface.c)
A number of minor improvements and bug fixes are also present:
- Added: proc areadef autorange - new subattributes
selectrows (for selecting rows to be considered when
scanning for min and max) and combomode (to allow correct finding
of min and max for situations like error bars and stacked bars).
- Added: proc areadef autorange - now sets variables
DATAXMIN, DATAXMAX, DATAYMIN, and DATAYMAX - the actual minima and maxima of data field.
- Added: proc axis - stubevery attribute
- Added: proc getdata - pathname attribute, to specify
data file name directly without involving cat(1)
- Added: proc bars - colorfield attribute - set bar color based on a data field
- Added: proc legendentry - tag attribute
- Added: various new functions
- Added: the temp file default path name and default slash character can now be changed in pl.h
or in a config file.
- Added: resource utilization (cpu time and size of created disk files) now can be controlled.
Default upper limits are 10 cpu seconds and 5,000,000 bytes.
Limits may be altered in pl.h or by using a config file
- Added: various other config file settings
- Changed: proc axis - minor changes to avoid orphan date stubs and improper year placement (autoyears)
- Fixed bug: proc axis - when producing stubs running from negative to positive zero is displayed
as a very tiny non-zero value such as 5.2579e-17 due to rounding error.
- Fixed bug: proc getdata - buffer overflow when 'filter' is used with data records longer than 254 chars,
causing garbage result or instability.
- Fixed bug: proc legend - legend entry text could not be adjusted using textdetails adjust=
- Fixed bug: proc bars - select omits bars but not labels. Thanks to Dan Tsafrir for finding this one.
- Fixed bug: $arith() function - detects and issues an error on divide-by-zero.
Ploticus is 2 years old - 25 Aug '01
Ploticus 1.41: 18 Jun '01
- Ploticus now covered under
- proc bars - additional (diagonal) cross hatching available as an accessory.
- Fixed bug: colored background not completely filling the result window when scale
is being done
- Fixed scripts in test suite:
The change in default size (version 1.40) sometimes caused
general layout problems with graphics that were layed out with an 8.5" x 11"
default size in mind. The solution for these scripts is to add a #proc page and
specify pagesize: 8.5 11.
Some of the scripts in the test suite had such problems and are now fixed.
- Fixed bug: EPS bounding box incorrect for 1) pltab output and 2) pl where result
draws into negative absolute coordinate space.
- Fixed bug: proc areadef xautorange/yautorange not working correctly in some cases
when a nearest= value is specified. This bug was apparently introduced in 1.40.
- Fixed bug: proc lineplot - accum option choking when non-numeric data encountered.
- Fixed bug: proc rangebar - negative barloc values not working.
- Added: proc areadef - autorange datafield may now be a comma-delimited list of dfields
so that multiple data fields are considered when determining the axis min and max.
- Changed: scaletypes - times hh:mm:ss and mm:ss - validity checking relaxed
slightly to allow degenerate values such as 0:4:9
- Fixed bug: pltab - incorrect interaction between #font and sectionheadings
- Fixed bug: proc rangebar - textdetails controls N= label but not missing label
- Fixed bug: pltab - creates 8.5 x 11 inch gif, png regardless of result size
- Fixed bug: axis - line grid and gridblock starting point incorrect in X
- Fixed bug: axis - colors incorrect when specified in certain combinations for tics, stubs, grid
- Fixed bug: bars - ticks not being drawn when truncating was not switched on
Ploticus 1.40: Jan 16 '01
This release includes improved support for automatic on-demand plotting, especially
automatic determination of scale and plot size from data. It also incorporates
a bundle of new features, both user-requested and not.
- proc getdata - variables may
be declared and set from within data files using #set
- proc curvefit - linear regression and correlation
- proc areadef - "autowidth" and "autoheight" attributes
for data-driven plot area size
- proc axis - alternating shaded block backgrounds
- added: new script $functions - $exists() and $notexists() to test if a @VARIABLE has a value.
See functions(pl)
- added: new script #operators - #hideund and #showund to control display of embedded underscores, and #includesh.
See scripts(pl)
- added: new scaletype - log+1 scaling for handling log-characeristic data that
may contain values of 0.0
- added: proc areadef - autorange - "incmult", which assists in automatically determining hi and low margin
- added: proc areadef - "xextracategory" and "yextracategory" attributes,
which allow categories to be added explicitly even when most categories are defined from data
- added: proc axis - "stubcull" attribute for eliminating stub collision, or pile up
on log axis
- added: proc axis - definable extent for grid lines
- added: cmyk color specification for use with PostScript and EPS.
- added: textdetails - "font" subattribute for setting PostScript font.
- added: proc print - "outfile" and "outmode" attributes allowing proc print to write to files
- added: proc print - now sets a variable called NSELECTED.
- added: proc legend - "reset" attribute.
- added: proc bars - "hidezerobars" attribute
- added: proc curvefit - "select" attribute
- added: proc curvefit - new curvetype - "avg"
- added: proc tabulate - "showrange" attribute supercedes showrangelowonly.
Range label can be the average of low and high end of range.
- added: proc rangebar - "logmean" attribute, for computing means and standard
deviations in log space.
- added: proc rangebar - "statsonly" attribute, to compute stats and set variables
without drawing the bar.
- added: proc rangebar - now sets the variables RANGEBARIQRMIN and RANGEBARIQRMAX.
- changed: proc getdata - pl no longer quits when no data could be read.
Scripts can check @NRECORDS after getdata finishes and take appropriate action.
- changed: default result size is now 8" x 8".
- changed: proc curvefit - data no longer need to be ordered on X for curve computation
- changed: standalone $functions (those that are not part of an #if construct) may contain embedded white space
- changed: color specifications - the separator character in rgb(r,g,b) constructs may
be any of comma, dash, colon, or pipe. Comma was problematic if rgb constructs were put into a
comma-delimited list, as in students example.
- changed: .pls is now a "known extension" for script files.
- changed: improved the heuristic for automatic axis increment determination
- fixed bug: proc scatterplot - if select condition used or if values are out-of-range,
labels from data and datapoint size from data may be incorrect due to data alignment bug.
- fixed bug: proc lineplot - if select condition used or if values are out-of-range,
labels from data may be incorrect due to data alignment bug.
- fixed bug: proc rangebar - file close problem causing core dump on linux
- fixed bug: multipage plots & page breaks - if proc page was used to break to page 2, and proc page wasn't
used for page 1, drawing continues on page 1.
- fixed bug: proc getdata - select was not working when field names used (message: no such data field).
- fixed bug: date scaling - dates containing embedded dashes were not converted properly when used.
as locvalue e.g. proc annotate location.
- fixed bug: $max() function was giving incorrect results
- fixed bug: proc page - on multipage landscape plots using PNG/GIF only the last page was viewable.
- fixed bug: PNG/GIF driver memory leak when doing multipage plots.
- fixed bug: incorrect fda() calls in tabulate.c and processdata.c.
- fixed bug: proc getdata filters - potential instability if references were made to data fields beyond NFIELDS.
- fixed bug: proc bars - tics produced through the use of leftticfield, rightticfield,
and midticfield were being drawn outside of plotting area
Ploticus 1.39: Sept 29 '00
- Changed - proc transform renamed as proc processdata ('transform' still works)
- Changed - script syntax - references to undeclared @variables are now left alone.
Formerly they had resulted in syntax errors.
- Added - proc areadef - autorange - if nearest= is omitted a reasonable default will be used
for numeric data. Formerly it defaulted to exact min and max, which was usually not desirable.
It is now possible to say nearest=exact to get exact min and max, should that be wanted.
- Added - proc areadef - categories - a new attribute called 'catcompmethod', to control the
details of how category comparisons are done.
- Added - proc areadef - now sets variables XMIN, XMAX, YMIN, and YMAX
- Fixed bug - proc areadef - autorange - problems with negative numbers;
- Added - proc axis - 'stubs increment' with no following value gives a reasonable default increment.
So does 'stubs inc 0'.
- Added - proc bars - barwidthfield and bwfscale for data-driven bar widths
- Added - proc datesettings - several new options for omitting weekends
- Fixed bug - proc getdata - choking on long path names. Increased sizes of many buffers
- Fixed bug - proc getdata field names - a name beginning with a number such as 16kHz was being interpreted
as an integer field number.
- Added - proc processdata - new actions 'breaks' to do break processing on data sets, and related
action 'breakreset'.
- Added - proc rangebar - when using meanmode, plotfields may now be used for getting a mean, standard
deviation, and optionally an N value.
- Changed - proc rangebar - variable NVALUES is now always set, even if nothing was plotted (it will be zero in this case).
- Added - proc rangebar - new attributes showbriefstats, showstatsfile, briefstatstag to make a
file holding computed statistical info that can be used by other programs
- Added - proc rangebar - allow 'none' for outliernearsym and outlierfarsym, for when displaying
outliers using only labels or line segments.
- Added - proc rangebar - a new attribute called 'skipmed', to omit median and percentiles calculation
when only means and standard deviations are needed (a performance consideration).
- Fixed bug - proc rangesweep - bug involving the use of 'select'
- Added - new function - $dataitem(), to access a single data item from the current data set by row
and field position.
- Added - command line / proc page - the options -croprel and -crop
- Changed - ploticus temp file naming now uses shorter names
- Added - user-contributed RPM spec file. See the Download page under Accessories.
- Changed - makefile & build - copied gd_io.h to the gd16 subdirectory for successful solaris 'make' build
- Added - MP/ix added to Makefile
- Changed - gallery example EPS or Postscript files will no longer be stored on the web site, except for the pltab examples.
- Changed - ploticus manual in postscript form will no longer be maintained or distributed.
Ploticus 1.38: Jun 9 '00
- It is now possible to set the directory used for temp files, using a new
config attribute tmpdir.
- under cygwin, problems have been reported with pltab writing postscript to standard output.
Workaround is to use pltab -o
Ploticus 1.37: May 24 '00
- Added new proc - proc datesettings
- Added - an option to omit weekends with date or datetime scaling, via proc datesettings
- Improved - numeric data in scientific format e.g. 4.335e12 now supported
- Improved - #declare and #musthave now can take comma-delimited lists of variable names
- Fixed bug - proc bars, error bars not positioned correctly w/ clustering
- Fixed bug - proc rangebar, 1.5iqr mode, incorrect upper tail length
- Fixed bug - proc rangebar, zero length tail should not be drawn at all
- Fixed bug - proc tabulate, entries should not be sorted when valuelist is used
Ploticus 1.36: Apr 10 '00
- Fixed bug - categories scaling - handling of duplicate category tags
- New attribute - proc bars - numberformat attribute
- Improved - programs 8-bit clean and support locales - thanks to Oleg Bartunov
- Fixed bug - removed a few x11 compile dependencies that were present even with -DNOX11
- Improved - proc transform - numbernotation may be applied to TOTALS
- Fixed bug - proc rangebar - 1.5iqr tails/outliers were incorrect for degenerate cases (small N)
- Added a new function called $fieldname()
- Improved - proc tabulate now allows NO ordering
- Note: under cygwin, the directory /usr/tmp must exist and be writable by everybody.
- Withdrawn - proc pie - lower edge of pie boundary is "fuzzy". A gd rounding error?
Ploticus 1.35: Mar 1 '00
- Fixed bug - numbernotation - spacer chars being added within leading blank zones in stubs
- Fixed bugs - proc lineplot - incorrect fill under stairstep curve and lastseglen
- Fixed bug - proc getdata - program crashed when proc getdata filter encounters blank lines in data file
- Fixed bug - proc rangebar - 1.5 x IRQ tails not computed correctly (also affects outliers)
- Improved - postscript %%Creator and %%Title tags not used correctly
- Fixed bug - proc pie - line+label not working correctly on gallery example pie4.htm
- Improved - proc line - first coordinate pair should implicitly do a 'moveto'
- Added pltab -landscape option
- Added new function $max()
- Fixed bug - pltab centering of column stubs (had been left-aligned)
- Fixed bug - multi-page landscape postscript - 2nd page orientation was incorrect
This is a perl script which implements a web interface to ploticus.
It was contributed by Tom McClure.
Ploticus 1.34: Jan 28 '00
- Added transparent color; use as background color to create transparent GIFs and PNGs.
- Added feature to display numbers in european or us notation
with separators for large numbers (settable in config file).
- Added proc tabulate accumfield option.
- Added feature to make proc bars stackfields easier to use.
- Fixed bug - proc tabulate not handling date (etc.) units correctly when ranges not specified.
- Fixed bugs - proc areadef autorange - various problems involving large data values, datetime
data, and nearest=hours.
- Fixed bug - datetime scaletype - all values 'outside window' when default date & time notations in use,
even though no window was defined.
- Added areadef autorange sub-parameter format.
- Added areadef autorange nearest=day.
- Fixed bug - proc bars - default bar width sometimes much too wide; added a sanity override.
Ploticus 1.33: Dec 21 '99
- Added proc bars lablepos attribute
- Fixed bug - config file "units: cm" not working.
- Added -cm and -inches command line options.
- Added -o stdout to write GIF, PNG, or EPS result to standard output.
- Fixed bug - script files ending in .pl not handled properly.
- Fixed bug - proc rangebar plotfields not working properly.
- Fixed bug - proc bars taillen not being cloned properly for errorbars.
- Fixed bug - proc areadef box attribute not handling cm properly.
- Fixed bug - proc rangebar - 1.5*interquartile range tails
were not truncated at the min/max.
- Added proc bars colorlist attribute
Ploticus 1.31: Oct 29 '99.
- Fixed bug - proc getdata 'filter' caused instability on linux
- Fixed bug - multiline legend entries too far apart
- Fixed bug - proc rangebar outliers when a 'select' is being used
- Fixed bug - proc rangebar and proc bar 'entire bar out of range' problem
Ploticus 1.3: Oct 27 '99.
- Added datetime scale type.
- Added proc breakaxis.
- Added proc rangebar outlier display and reporting features
- Added hatch patterns as a color option
- Added a new proc transform action called 'count'.
- Added proc axis signreverse attribute to assist w/ high to low axes
- Added 'hifix' and 'lowfix' to proc areadef autorange attribute.
- In proc legend, the 'sep' attribute now controls the vertical separation
when multiline format is used, as well as the horizontal separation when
singleline format is used.
Ploticus 1.21: Sep 28 '99.
- Fixed proc page bug involving missing postscript showpage.
- Fixed proc page bug involving incorrect default line width on page
2 and up of a multipage result
- Proc page - default EPS behavior changed to NOT do background, unless
a background color is specified.
- Fixed bug where timestamp directory name is truncated incorrectly.
- Script file names can now end in .pl (in addition to .p, .htm, .html as before)
- Minor items related to AIX port.
Ploticus 1.2, Sep 13 '99.
- Added PNG support.
- Fixed bugs in Pie and textdetails style subattribute.
- Dropped the Page/device attribute.
- Added the Annotation/boxmargin attribute.
- Removed support for GIF import.
Ploticus 1.1, Aug 30 '99
- fixed proc lineplot bug evidenced by stock.htm;
- other minor items related to linux & irix port. (note: pl -version still reports 1.0
in some of the binaries)
Ploticus 1.0, Aug 25 '99, original release.